What is the ruling on


Q: Are the games played by people, such as dominos, cards, chess, etc. Types of gambling? Are they Haram (prohibited) or Makruh (disliked)? Is it permissible for the Imam who leads people in Salah (Prayer) and delivers Khutbah (sermon) on Fridays and `Eids (Festivals) to play such games?

A: Playing the games mentioned above is prohibited and are one of the major sins if they are played in return for money. In this case, they are considered to be a type of gambling. Abu `Umar ibn `Abdul-Bar (may Allah be merciful to him) said, "Scholars have unanimously agreed that playing chess in return for money is prohibited." Moreover, playing the games mentioned is prohibited if they lead to abandoning what is obligatory such as delaying Salah after its due time, (Part No. 15; Page No. 208) neglecting the rights of one's wife, parents and all those whom he provides with sustenance or indulging in what was prohibited by Allah such as enmity, hatred, conflict or mutual cursing even if they are played without gambling. But if we suppose that these games are devoid of all these evils, they will still be prohibited according to the soundest viewpoint in this regard. It was authentically reported that `Aly ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) passed by some people who were playing chess. He said to them, "What are these statues to which you are devoted?" He likened them to those who devote themselves to idols. It was reported that Ibn `Umar and other Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) forbade playing such games. Some of those who regarded these games as prohibited are: Abu Hanifah and his students, Ahmad and his students (may Allah be merciful to them) and Malik and his students (may Allah be merciful with them). Playing such games may lead to gambling in the future even if they are devoid of it at the present time. Playing such games in general leads to neglecting some obligations, conflict and mutual cursing. Moreover, they induce enmity and hatred and avert from Salah and remembrance of Allah. It was reported in the Hadith: "He who plays backgammon disobeys Allah and His Messenger." If a person is in a leading position, such as (Part No. 15; Page No. 209) Du`ah (callers to Islam), those who are responsible for Hisbah (regulation of economic, commercial, and public matters), Imams, Khatibs (preachers) or those who are higher or lower in rank of them, avoiding evil and doing what is obligatory will be more compelling. This is because these people are examples that are followed by others. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
