What is the ruling on a man having


Q: During the Friday eve (i.e. Thursday night, as in the Hijri calendar the night precedes the day) corresponding to the twenty eighth of Ramadan I had intercourse with my wife ten minutes after the Canon Shot (a traditional way of notifying people of the time that they should get ready for the Fast) of Suhur (pre-dawn meal before the Fast). My wife agreed to this. Is it obligatory for both of us to do a Kaffarah (expiation) or is it obligatory on myself alone? After this incident I had intercourse with my wife during the night (of Ramadan before Suhur time); what is the ruling on this?

A: In case such intercourse took place after the Adhan (call to Prayer) of Fajr (Dawn) Prayer, you had intercourse with your wife in the daytime of Ramadan. Consequently, each one of you should do Tawbah (repentance to Allah) and Istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah), make up that missed day during which the intercourse happened, and do the Kaffarah which is freeing a slave. Being unable to free a slave, each of you should alternatively feed sixty Miskin (needy) persons the amount of half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of wheat, barley, rice, or any other staple food of your country. As for the canon that is shot before Adhan, it should be disregarded because it is mostly used some time before the time of Fajr so that people who intend to perform Sawm can get ready to abstain from things that break Sawm.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
