What is the ruling on allowing


Q 7: A Muslim woman was asked to go to the Masjid (mosque) to teach women Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Tajwid (reciting the Qur'an following the rules of recitation) and other sciences of the Qur'an. She refused under the pretext that practicing Da`wah (calling to Islam) at home to a small number of people is better than practicing Da`wah to a great number at the Masjid. She said that this matter was not done by early Muslim women. Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not ask them to do so though Muslim women were in need for it. He left this matter to men as they are more competent to do this. Moreover, there is no temptation in men's going out for Da`wah. Is this saying valid? Which is better; to call to Allah and to teach a small number of people at home or to go to the Masjid to teach a great number?

A: Practicing teaching at home is better than going out to the Masjid as it is safer and further away from temptation. Moreover, it agrees with the way followed by the righteous predecessors.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
