What is the ruling on delaying


Q: I hired a trucker from Jeddah to Abha to carry a load of mosaic tiles. He was to be paid 3,000 riyals for carrying nine packages, 36 meters each. I only received eight packages as one package fell off the truck, as the driver told me. So I deducted its price from the trader in Abha and the cost of taking it to the building site and it was 1,360 riyals and gave him the remaining amount, which was 1,640 riyals. He became very angry, swore not to take the money and left. This incident happened two years ago and I have not seen him since then. I asked about him in the recruitment office in Jeddah, but the employer said that he had not come since then and that they owe him 2.700 riyals. Should I give the office the amount after deduction, give the money in charity dedicating its reward to him or put the money in the Muslim treasury house? Should I deduct the losses of the missing package from the Abha or Jeddah costs?

(Part No. 15; Page No. 120)  A: If the reality is as you have mentioned that you know the man's recruitment office, these offices usually keep records of the truck license number and owner. This man has some dues in the office which means he is known to them. You should search for him through his license number or any other way and pay him the wages that free your conscience, but if you disagree, you should refer the matter to court. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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