What is the ruling on one who masturbates


A: Firstly, practicing masturbation is Haram (prohibited) and is even more sinful during the daytime in Ramadan. Secondly, you must make up for the days on which you spoiled your Sawm by masturbation, because masturbation invalidates Sawm. You should try to estimate how many days this occurred. Thirdly, you must also pay Kaffarah (expiation), which is giving a needy person half a Sa‘ (1 Sa` = 3 kg. Approx.) of wheat and other staple foodstuffs for each day that you missed, if you delay making up for them until the next Ramadan arrives. (Part No. 10; Page No. 259) Fourthly, it is obligatory to perform Janabah Ghusl (full ritual bath to cleanse of sexual discharge) after masturbation; it is not sufficient to only perform Wudu’ (ablution) if you have experienced ejaculation. Fifthly, you must make up for the Salahs that you offered without taking Ghusl, because minor ritual purification (Wudu’ and the like) does not suffice in place of major ritual purification (Ghusl).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
