While traveling, a person broke his Sawm and then had sexual intercourse with his wife


Q: I was on a journey in Ramadan and I broke my fast while traveling. Then, I returned from traveling and went home. I saw my wife and had sexual intercourse with her in the daytime of Ramadan while she was fasting. She was not unwilling but she was ignorant because she is illiterate. She thought that fasting a day in place of the missed day is enough. This happened a short time ago. She decided to fast two successive months without asking anyone but she could only fast 15 days. Please explain what we should do. May Allah guide you to what is right.

A: You have to pay Kaffarah (expiation) according to your capacity. It is to emancipate a believing slave; and if you cannot, you should fast two successive months. If this is not possible, you should offer food to sixty poor persons: for each one half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of wheat, rice or other such local staple food. (Part No. 9; Page No. 227) This is because once you arrived in your country, it was obligatory on you to fast and all the rulings of Sawm are applied to you. The same is true for your wife with regard to expiation and fasting a day in place of the day in which you had sexual intercourse. In addition, she has to pay another Kaffarah of feeding a poor person if she did not fast it until another Ramadan came. Both of you should repent to Allah (Exalted be He) for having done this and determine not to do it again.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
