Woman doing housework


Q 4: What is the ruling on a woman doing housework, such as cleaning and washing? Is she considered a sinner if she neglects it? Is it one of her duties towards her husband to cook for him? Can a husband prevent his wife from buying whatever she wants with her money if she has enough accessories and other luxurious things? Her husband provides her food, clothing, (Part No. 19; Page No. 219) and shelter, but she does not want the clothes her husband buys for her; she wants to buy expensive clothes, accessories and luxurious things for herself and her son. She buys all this from her own money, but her husband does not agree to this and does not buy her most of the accessories that she wants. As the Nafaqah (obligatory financial support) is obligatory on a husband, can he prevent his wife from buying anything for the house with her own money? Please suggest for me some useful books or publications related to marital life, a wife's rights, and also child rearing, whether issued by the Committee or others. Do not forget to include information on their prices and where I can purchase them. Please provide me with a detailed reply, as I am a common man and I need to know everything in detail related to marriage and raising children.

A: Firstly, the ruling on a wife doing housework, such as cooking, washing, cleaning and so on differs according to the social class, customs and traditions of each society. Secondly, a husband cannot prevent his wife from buying foods and clothes with her own money, unless she is a spendthrift or buys something prohibited. In this case, he should prevent her from wasting her money or buying prohibited things and should be firm about that. (Part No. 19; Page No. 220) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
