Working far from his parents' house and trying in vain to move


Q: Your Eminence, I work in the Civil Defense Center in Badr, at the (Part No. 25; Page No. 187)  Al-Madinah - Jeddah old road. My parents live about 200 km away from me as they live in the southern region. I tried to move to live with them but my boss refused my request. All my attempts to move and live with my parents were of no avail. It should be noted that I cannot quit my job to live with my parents because I earn my living from this job. Also, my parents refuse to come and live with me in the area of Badr because the weather in the area of Badr is hot while my parents prefer the cold weather in the southern regions. I cannot visit them except once every year. What should I do? Am I committing a sin in this way? What is your Eminence's view on this issue? What should I do to please my parents, who want me to be close to them while my work is far away? I appreciate your advice. May Allah protect you.

A: Keeping the ties of kinship is a highly stressed and obligatory act of worship and severing the ties of kinship is a major sin. The closest relatives to a person are his parents and hence it is obligatory for a person to keep ties with them as much as the person can according to the previous Ayah (Qur'anic verse) mentioned in the second question and according to the Saying of Allah (Exalted be He), So keep your duty to Allâh and fear Him as much as you can (Part No. 25; Page No. 188) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
