Working for electricity companies


Q: I am a Saudi citizen, and I live in Al-Nasim, Riyadh. I have a two-floor building where I live with my family (Part No. 15; Page No. 82) on the second floor, while the first floor is rented by a Saudi man. The lease contract was for two years. As the man mentioned above does not offer Salah (Prayer) congregationally in the Masjid (mosque), and he sometimes does not offer the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer, I advised him many times, and he told me that he offers Salah. He asked to renew his contract, but I refused. Please advise concerning renewing the lease contract for him. What do you think of renting the house to him if he does not offer Salah? May Allah reward you.

A: If the case is as you have mentioned, the rental fees for the past period are yours, and you may use them, because the contract is valid. However, you should not renew the contract for that man, due to the mentioned reasons, that he does not offer congregational Salah and Jumu`ah Prayer, and in order to get rid of this corrupt neighbor who does not perform the rituals of Islam. Allah says, And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. (Part No. 15; Page No. 83) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Faith linked to good morals: