Working for the tax department


Q 9: I work as a clerk in an office. I fulfill my duties to all those connected to me. Among them are those who travel abroad, for whom I facilitate procedures and organize their transportation. When they travel overseas, I do not know what their work is and whether what they do is good or bad. If they do works that are not permitted by Allah, will I be sinful for having helped them? (Part No. 15; Page No. 68) What should I do if it is not permissible for me to do this?

A: There is nothing wrong with you fulfilling your duties to those who want to travel. If any of them do anything that is forbidden or commit a crime during their travel, the sin shall rest upon them. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Can Islam Still Work In Today's World_ Yusuf Estes_alecture _   the converted to islam