Zakah is due on the capital and the profit


Q: My question is about Zakah on the articles of merchandise such as investing in buying shares in lands as people do nowadays. If a man holds a share with the value of 10,000 Riyals in a land which remained for five years then was sold. The profits of selling this land were distributed to the shareholders. The man who held a share with the value of 10,000 Riyals received 35,000 Riyals including the capital and profits. Should Zakah be paid on the capital and the profits? Should it only be paid for the last year in which the land was sold and the man took his share or on the value of his share over the last five years? I hope you will advise me on this.

(Part No. 9; Page No. 351)  A: A person has to pay Zakah on each of the last four years, each year according to the changing value of the land, whether the land generated profits or not, then to pay Zakah in the last year on the profits along with the capital money.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
