Zakah on palm trees distributed between heirs: should it be paid on the bequest as a whole or on each share?


Q 1: In our city, we have many palm trees that are surrounded by a fence, but they are partitioned by land marks into four parts and each part is separated from the other. When the person in charge of estimating Zakah (obligatory charity) on crops comes from Al-Madinah to estimate the Zakah on the palms of Khaybar, Zakah is required from only one or two people, despite the fact that the land is divided into four parts according to the land marks. Is it legally permissible for one or two people to pay Zakah on behalf of the others?

A: Zakah is obligatory on every partition of the mentioned parts owned by each person, if the value of the harvest reaches the Nisab (minimum amount on which Zakah should be paid). The owner of each of these partitions should intend by their payment to fulfill their Zakah, for it is an act of worship, and therefore, must be preceded by an intention for it to be valid since the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions. Hence, it does not suffice that a person pays it on behalf of the others unless they grant this person the permission to do so. Moreover, if the owner of the palms is a child or an insane person, then the intention of paying Zakah from their guardian's side will be enough. Also, if the ruler takes the money of Zakah from the owner by force, the intention of the ruler in this case will also suffice for the owner. (Part No. 9; Page No. 246) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
