Zakah on the revenue of a rented


Q: I have a shop for renting carpets, tents and lamp clusters. I would like to know how I should pay the due Zakah (obligatory charity) on this shop? Please advise me in this regard, knowing that a year has passed since I opened this shop, but I have not saved any money from its revenue. Advise me on this, May Allah reward you amply.

A: If all the goods in your shop are for rent purposes only, then no Zakah is due on them, except for the money saved from the revenue of the rent if a year passes. The due amount of Zakah (Part No. 9; Page No. 348) in this case will be 2.5 %.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Visiting Madinah, its Virtues and Significance