Zakah should be given to the poor of the country from which it is collected


Q: We have a cousin who lives in Riyadh and is well-off, by the Favor of Allah. He pays his Zakah (obligatory charity) consistently every year, and he sends to me a significant sum of money that I distribute it among the needy in my village according to my knowledge of the people of the vicinity. Allah knows that I do my best to distribute it among the needy of my near relatives and other impoverished Muslims in general. Some friends have told me that restricting the distribution of Zakah money to the needy of my kinfolk is more preferable. (Part No. 8; Page No. 377) Is it permissible to confine Zakah to them, or should I do as I used to do before? It should be noted that the payer does not specify a certain category to pay Zakah to them. Rather, he asked me to distribute it, according to my knowledge, among the needy of my kin and Muslims in general. Is it permissible to take anything from it because I exert some efforts in distributing it? I never took anything before from it, though.

A: The basic ruling in the Islamic Shari`ah is to distribute Zakah among the poor of the town where the Zakah is paid. It is stated in a Hadith narrated on the authority of Mu`adh (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent him to collect Zakah from the people of Yemen and instructed him saying: Tell them that Allah has obligated on them the paying of Zakah (obligatory charity) to be taken from their rich and distributed among their poor. However, if there is a considerable Shar`y necessity, such as that the poor of a farther town suffer more pressing needs or they are close relatives, then it is permissible to send Zakah to them. They should be given what suffices their needs for a year. It must be mentioned that it is impermissible for you to take from the money of Zakah in return for distributing it. Rather, you should seek a reward from Allah (Most Glorified and Exalted). Whoever guides to a good deed will earn a reward corresponding to that of its doer.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!

