A Ma'mum reciting Al-Fatihah after saying 'Amen' behind the Imam


Q 1: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) is appointed to be followed; so whenever he utters Takbir (saying: "Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]"), you should repeat after him, and whenever he recites (Qur'an), you should listen attentively (to him). And: Whoever is praying behind an Imam, then the recitation of the Imam is also the recitation of the one who is praying behind him Allah (Exalted be He) says: So, when the Qur’ân is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy. Furthermore, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The Salah (Prayer) of whoever does not recite Surah Al-Fatihah is invalid. Your Eminence, we would like you to answer us regarding the reconciliation of these pieces of evidence. Some people say that it is permissible for Ma'mums (people being led by an Imam in Prayer) in a congregational Jahri (Prayer recited out loud) Salah to recite Al-Fatihah after Ta'min (saying: "Amen" after finishing the recitation of Al-Fatihah), even if the Imam is reciting out loud. Is this permissible or not? May Allah grant you success. Moreover, if it is permissible for the Imam to keep silent after the Ma'mums say Ta'min to give them time to recite Al-Fatihah, what is the status of their Ta'min? We have read in some books that reciting Ta'min after the recitation of Al-Fatihah is enough for Ma'mums and replaces reading Al-Fatihah. Answer us may Allah support you.

A: The correct opinion of scholars denotes the obligation of reciting Al-Fatihah for the Munfarid (person offering Prayer individually), the Imam, and the Ma'mum (person being led by an Imam in Prayer) with respect to both Jahri and Sirri (Prayer with subvocal recitation) Salahs, in pursuant to the authentic evidence in this regard. The Words of Allah (Exalted be He): So, when the Qur’ân is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy. States a general rule. The same applies to the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): When he (the Imam) recites (the Qur'an), listen attentively (to him). Both the Ayah and Hadith apply to Al-Fatihah and other Surahs. But they are qualified by the Hadith: The Salah of whoever does not recite Surah Al-Fatihah is invalid as a way of reconciling the authentic pieces of evidence. As for the Hadith: Whoever is praying behind an Imam, (Part No. 6; Page No. 385) then the recitation of the Imam is also the recitation of the one who is praying behind him , it is Da`if (weak). Moreover, it is not valid to say that reciting Ta'min after the recitation of Al-Fatihah is enough for Ma'mums and replaces reciting Al-Fatihah itself.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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