Quran Reciters
Topics in Fiqh
Jurisprudence of Transactions
Fiqh of the family
Doctrine and Tawhid
Know about Islam
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh)said
Stories Of The Prophets
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limba română
Tiếng Việt
ئۇيغۇر تىلى
بهاس ملايو
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh)said
Stories Of The Prophets
Język polski
limba română
Tiếng Việt
ئۇيغۇر تىلى
بهاس ملايو
Quran Reciters
Topics in Fiqh
Jurisprudence of Transactions
Fiqh of the family
Doctrine and Tawhid
Know about Islam
Fatawa-Illustrated Islamic Jurisprudence for the Acts of Worship
Fatawa of Permanent Committee
Fatawa of Permanent Committee
Funerals and Zakah
Zakah and Sawm
Hajj and `Umrah
The Foundling, Endowment, Wills, Inheritance, and Manumission
Hijab and adornment
Breastfeeding - Kaffarah
Oaths - Vows - Imamate
Miscellaneous Fatwas
Hudud - Slaughtering and Hunting
Obligation of Salah on a Mukallaf
Preconditions of Salah
Holding both hands and releasing them in Salah
Holding both hands and releasing them in Salah
The position of the arms during Salah
Believe that one should put his
Some scholars may place their hands
A Muslim places his hands on his
Clasping the hands in Salah
That Malik was asked about placing
Is it Sunnah to place the right
A man said that those who place
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Adhan and Iqamah
Ruling on Adhan and Iqamah
Adhan and Iqamah
Ruling on Adhan and Iqamah
Adhan and Iqamah
What is the ruling on announcing
Adhan and Iqamah
Some people perform Salah without
Adhan and Iqamah
Uprightness: A condition for being a Mu'adhin
Adhan and Iqamah
The Mu'adhin turning his head when saying: Hayya `Ala
Adhan and Iqamah
Adding the phrase: 'Prayer is better than sleep' for the Fajr Adhan
Adhan and Iqamah
Adding the phrase: ''Prayer is better
Adhan and Iqamah
Rulings related to the Masjids
Meaning of Masjid
Rulings related to the Masjids
Meaning of Masjid
Rulings related to the Masjids
Excellence of building Masjids
Rulings related to the Masjids
If there are many Masjids in a city, how to choose the best to perform Salah in?
Rulings related to the Masjids
Excellence of Salah offered in Makkah
Rulings related to the Masjids
Is the reward for offering Salah
Rulings related to the Masjids
Excellence of Salah offered in the Prophet's Masjid
Rulings related to the Masjids
Excellence of Salah offered in
Rulings related to the Masjids
Ruling on the two `Eid Prayers
Are the two `Eid Prayers obligatory
Women going out for `Eid Prayer
Children going out for `Eid Prayer
Postponing Salat-ul-`Eid to the following day
Places for offering the two `Eid Prayers
Preparing more than one place to offer `Eid Prayers in one city
Preparing more than one place to
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
Making up for Salah missed due to sleep or negligence
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
Making up for Salah missed due
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
If one sleeps and does not get
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
If a person sleeps until sunrise,
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
A person who is in the habit of
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
What is the ruling on the Salah
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
Making up for missed Salah due to unconsciousness or sickness
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
Making up missed Salah because of being unconscious or sick
Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons
Salah becoming due
Times of the Five Obligatory Daily Prayers
Salah becoming due
Performing obligatory Salahs at
Salah becoming due
Delaying the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer during the summer
Salah becoming due
When does the time for the Zhuhr
Salah becoming due
Delaying the performance of the
Salah becoming due
The `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer becomes
Salah becoming due
Zhuhr and `Asr Salahs
Salah becoming due
How can we calculate the times
Salah becoming due
Covering the `Awrah
Ruling on covering the `Awrah
Covering the `Awrah
Man's `Awrah
Covering the `Awrah
Does `Awrah (parts of the body
Covering the `Awrah
The clothes should not reveal the
Covering the `Awrah
Is it permissible for a Muslim
Covering the `Awrah
Is it permissible for him to lead
Covering the `Awrah
What is the ruling on offering
Covering the `Awrah
Wearing a head cover during Salah
Covering the `Awrah
Rulings related to the Qiblah
Building the Ka`bah
Rulings related to the Qiblah
The wisdom behind taking the Ka`bah as a Qiblah
Rulings related to the Qiblah
Facing the Qiblah
Rulings related to the Qiblah
Is permissible for only the Imam
Rulings related to the Qiblah
Defining the Qiblah
Rulings related to the Qiblah
Marking lines on the straw mat of a Masjid to define the rows
Rulings related to the Qiblah
The etiquette of Salah
The virtue of walking to the Masjid
The etiquette of Salah
Coming late after hearing the Adhan
The etiquette of Salah
Riding instead of walking to attend Salah
The etiquette of Salah
Saying: 'May Allah accept it' after the Salah
The etiquette of Salah
Reserving a place in the Masjid
The etiquette of Salah
Reciting the Qur'an when hearing the Iqamah and using the Miswak before performing Salah
The etiquette of Salah
Saying: 'Truly, Allah is with the patient' to the Imam while bowing
The etiquette of Salah
Taking a Sutrah or joining the first row?
The etiquette of Salah
Performing Salah at the beginning or during the Adhan
The etiquette of Salah
Description of Salah
Takbirat-ul-Ihram and raising hands during Takbir
Description of Salah
In reply, he said, ''If a woman
Description of Salah
Pronouncing Takbir loudly by the Ma''mum
Description of Salah
Takbir when starting Salah and when performing Ruku`
Description of Salah
Saying Takbir to join the congregation while the Imam is in Ruku`
Description of Salah
Raising one''s hands in Salah
Description of Salah
That the Prophet (peace be upon
Description of Salah
To raise the hands when standing
Description of Salah
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Should Basmalah be recited loudly or secretly?
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
When to say Du`a'-ul-Istiftah?
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Saying Basmalah secretly and its evidence
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Saying Basmalah secretly or loudly at the beginning of Salah?
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Is saying Basmalah in Salah an act of the Sunnah?
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Should Basmalah be said in all Rak`ahs or only the first?
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Reciting Basmalah during Salah
Isti`adhah, Basmalah and Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Recitation during Salah
A Ma'mum reciting Al-Fatihah after saying 'Amen' behind the Imam
Recitation during Salah
A Ma'mum reciting Al-Fatihah
Recitation during Salah
Forgetting to recite Al-Fatihah
Recitation during Salah
Reciting only Al-Fatihah in all Salahs
Recitation during Salah
Length of recitation after reciting Al-Fatihah in Salah
Recitation during Salah
Reciting Surahs in proper order during Salah
Recitation during Salah
Reciting Surahs in proper order during Salah
Recitation during Salah
Length of recitation when leading elderly people and the proper interval between the Adhan and Iqamah
Recitation during Salah
Ruku` and Sujud
How did the Prophet perform Ruku`?
Ruku` and Sujud
What is to be said after standing up from Ruku`
Ruku` and Sujud
What is to be said after standing up from Ruku`
Ruku` and Sujud
How did the Prophet perform Sujud?
Ruku` and Sujud
Should he start Sujud (prostration)
Ruku` and Sujud
Exemption from Sujud
Ruku` and Sujud
Supplication said in Sujud
Ruku` and Sujud
Supplication said in Sujud
Ruku` and Sujud
The first Tashahhud
Tashahhud as confirmed by the Prophet
The first Tashahhud
Neglecting the first Tashahhud intentionally
The first Tashahhud
Neglecting the first Tashahhud forgetfully
The first Tashahhud
A Ma'mum following the Imam in Tashahhud
The first Tashahhud
Wording of Tashahhud
The first Tashahhud
The way of saying Tashahhud
The first Tashahhud
Joining the Imam during the first Tashahhud of Maghrib Prayer
The first Tashahhud
The way of saying the first Tashahhud
The first Tashahhud
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Looking upward and closing the eyes
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
A worshiper, while in the posture
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
A person who closes his eyes during prayer
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Suppressing the urge to urinate or defecate
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Is it permissible to perform Salah
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Looking around during Salah
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
Looking around during Salah
Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah
The last Tashahhud
Ma'mum abandoning saying Tashahhud while praying with the Imam
The last Tashahhud
Description of sitting between the two prostrations
The last Tashahhud
Is Tawarruk obligatory or Sunnah?
The last Tashahhud
Pointing with the index finger during Tashahhud
The last Tashahhud
Reciting the last Tashahhud after the Imam says Taslim
The last Tashahhud
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Supplications said to invoke Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Obligation of invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet in the final Tashahhud
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Al-Salat-ul-Ibrahimiyyah or Salat-ul-Fatih
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Definition of Al-Salat-ul-Ibrahimiyyah and Salat-ul-Fatih
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Adding the word 'Sayyiduna' while asking blessings on the Prophet
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Validity of Salat-ul-Fatih
Invoking Allah's Blessings upon the Prophet
Saying Taslim in Salah
Is saying Taslim obligatory?
Saying Taslim in Salah
The Ma'mum looking at the Imam when saying Taslim
Saying Taslim in Salah
The Ma'mum leaving before the Imam
Saying Taslim in Salah
Wisdom behind Taslim
Saying Taslim in Salah
The Imam departing from the right or left side
Saying Taslim in Salah
Wiping the face with one's hands after Taslim
Saying Taslim in Salah
Maintaining tranquility in Salah
Salah behind an Imam who prays hastily
Maintaining tranquility in Salah
Offering Fajr Prayer hastily
Maintaining tranquility in Salah
Khushu` in Salah
Maintaining tranquility in Salah
Ruling on offering Ruku` and Sujud in a hurry and neglecting the supplications said between the two prostrations, such as, “My Lord, forgive me”
Maintaining tranquility in Salah
Nullifiers of Salah
Does laughter invalidate Salah?
Nullifiers of Salah
Laughing during Salah
Nullifiers of Salah
Salah over that of a single man
Nullifiers of Salah
Offering three Rak`ahs for the `Asr Prayer
Nullifiers of Salah
Willful talking during Salah
Nullifiers of Salah
Ruling on the Imam offering a fifth Rak`ah
Nullifiers of Salah
A man says to his son: 'hush' during Salah
Nullifiers of Salah
Talking forgetfully while offering Salah
Nullifiers of Salah
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Supplicating after the prescribed Salah
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Supplicating after the prescribed Salah
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
In some areas we find that the
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
After Taslim, a person should seek
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Is supplication immediately after
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Is there any Sahih (authentic)
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
In some Masjids (Mosques) when
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Did the Messenger (peace be upon
Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah
Obligation of Sujud-ul-Sahw
Description of Sujud-ul-Sahw
Is Sujud-ul-Sahw (Prostration of
How can an Imam who increased or
If an Imam (the one who leads congregational
If the Imam (the one who leads
How should we perform Sujud-ul-Sahw
Led the people in Maghrib (Sunset)
Tarawih Prayer
Ruling on Tarawih Prayer
Tarawih Prayer
Ruling on Tarawih Prayer
Tarawih Prayer
Offering Tarawih Prayer in congregation in a Masjid
Tarawih Prayer
How do we offer Tarawih in congregation
Tarawih Prayer
Is there a reward for Tarawih (special
Tarawih Prayer
Tarawih is prayed with eleven or thirteen rak`ahs
Tarawih Prayer
The Imam speeds up in reciting
Tarawih Prayer
Is it permissible for someone who
Tarawih Prayer
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Reciting Qur'an during Salah
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Is it permissible to recite only
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
What is the ruling on offering
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
When offering supererogatory prayers
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Changing place to offer supererogatory Salah
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Changing place to offer supererogatory Salah
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Is Nafilah the same as Fard with regard to its essential parts and obligations?
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Offering Salah between Adhan and Iqamah
Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib
Ruling on Sujud-ul-Tilawah
Saying the Takbir for Sujud-ul-Tilawah
Is Taharah a prerequisite for Sujud-ul-Tilawah?
A menstruating woman offering Sujud-ul-Shukr and Sujud-ul-Tilawah
Offering Sujud-ul-Tilawah without a Khimar
Passing in front of a worshiper offering Sujud-ul-Tilawah
Passing in front of a worshiper
Is it permissible to perform Sujud-ul-Tilawah
Congregational Salah
Ruling on abandoning congregational Salah
Congregational Salah
The ruling on abandoning Salah
Congregational Salah
Is the ruling on the congregational
Congregational Salah
Is congregational Salah offered
Congregational Salah
Forsaking congregational Salah without a legal excuse
Congregational Salah
Forsaking congregational Salah
Congregational Salah
Minimum number of people that constitutes a congregational Salah
Congregational Salah
The difference between praying individually and in congregation
Congregational Salah
Salah of women
Muslim women going to the Masjid
Salah of women
Muslim women going to the Masjid
Salah of women
Are women allowed to offer Salah
Salah of women
What is the ruling of women entering
Salah of women
Some shaykhs in Tanzania gave a
Salah of women
Where should a woman stand when
Salah of women
Women are permitted to go to the
Salah of women
If a woman offers Jumu`ah (Friday)
Salah of women
The most worthy to lead the Salah
Salah behind an Imam who does not recite the Qur'an well
Salah behind an Imam who does not
Does the word ''Aqra''ukum'' mean
Is it permissible for a person
I offer Salah (Prayer) at home
A man entered the Masjid (mosque)
Salah behind a Mushrik
Salah performed individually
Entering a Masjid after the Iqamah to find the rows complete
Salah performed individually
Offering Salah alone behind the congregational rows
Salah performed individually
Offering Salah alone behind the
Salah performed individually
When the Iqamah (call to start
Salah performed individually
Conveying the voice of Imam
Ruling on conveying what the Imam says
Conveying the voice of Imam
Conveying the voice of the Imam
Conveying the voice of Imam
Straightening the rows of Salah
Worshippers leaving gaps and non-alignment of their feet and shoulders during Salah
Straightening the rows of Salah
Worshippers lining up in rows through standing shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot
Straightening the rows of Salah
Marking lines on the straw mat of a Masjid to define rows
Straightening the rows of Salah
A Ma'mum leaving the row in Salah
Straightening the rows of Salah
Position of a Ma'mum
Straightening the rows of Salah
The most worthy people of standing behind the Imam
Straightening the rows of Salah
The place of the Ma'mum and the Imam
Straightening the rows of Salah
If we are just two persons offering
Straightening the rows of Salah
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Interrupting Salah to kill a snake or scorpion
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Interrupting Salah to kill vermin or to bring a wandering child nearer
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Interrupting Salah to avoid a dangerous accident
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Huffing during Salah
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Excuses for missing congregational Salah
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Excuses for missing congregational Salah
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Are elderly people obliged to attend Salahs in congregation?
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
My father is an elderly man who
Interrupting Salah with or without a legal excuse
Salah for people having legal excuses
Abandoning Jumu`ah and congregational Salah for a job
Salah for people having legal excuses
Danger as an excuse for missing congregational Salah
Salah for people having legal excuses
Danger as an excuse for refraining
Salah for people having legal excuses
Dreading imamate as a reason for abandoning the congregation
Salah for people having legal excuses
Firemen offering Salah
Salah for people having legal excuses
Offering Salah in the workplace
Salah for people having legal excuses
Offering Salah in the workplace
Salah for people having legal excuses
I own a petrol station and workers
Salah for people having legal excuses
Salah of the sick
Salah of an elderly person who has lost his senses
Salah of the sick
Salah of an elderly woman who cannot stand up
Salah of the sick
Salah of an elderly or sick person who cannot stand up
Salah of the sick
A sick person praying in the condition their health permits them
Salah of the sick
Salah of a disabled or unconscious person
Salah of the sick
Salah of a bedridden patient
Salah of the sick
Leaving standing in Salah due to a legal excuse
Salah of the sick
Salah of a patient suffering from hemorrhoids
Salah of the sick
Salah while traveling
How to shorten Salah
Salah while traveling
Salah of a taxi driver passing the distance allowing shortening and its rulings
Salah while traveling
Shortening Salah on entertainment trips
Salah while traveling
Does settling in a place for four days permit shortening Salah?
Salah while traveling
Shortening Maghrib Salah
Salah while traveling
Shortening Maghrib Salah
Salah while traveling
That allows shortening Salah (Prayer).
Salah while traveling
Is it permissible for a traveler
Salah while traveling
Performing Salah on a plane
Performing Salah on a plane fearing the due time is over
Performing Salah on a plane
How to pray on a plane
Performing Salah on a plane
Determine the Qiblah when praying on a plane
Performing Salah on a plane
Salah of a person riding an animal or the like
Performing Salah on a plane
Validity of offering obligatory Salah on an animal whether moving or not
Performing Salah on a plane
Praying on a plane while sitting
Performing Salah on a plane
Shortening Salah after covering a certain distance in a short time
Performing Salah on a plane
Following the correct order of Salah as the basic rule
Performing Salah on a plane
Istikharah and Salah for need
How to offer Istikharah and Salah for need
Istikharah and Salah for need
Memorizing or reading Du`a' Al-Istikharah from a book
Istikharah and Salah for need
When to say Du`a' Al-Istikharah
Istikharah and Salah for need
Bid`ahs committed in Salah
Istikharah and Salah for need
Is the ruling on Salat-ul-Tasabih
Istikharah and Salah for need
Tasbih Salah is a Bid`ah (innovation in religion
Istikharah and Salah for need
Salat-ul-Tasabih (Prayer of glorification
Istikharah and Salah for need
Salat-ul-Qada'' Al-`Umry
Istikharah and Salah for need
Jumu`ah Prayer
Obligation of Jumu`ah Prayer and the minimum number required to hold a congregation
Jumu`ah Prayer
Jumu`ah Prayer on the day of `Eid
Jumu`ah Prayer
Jumu`ah Prayer on the day of `Eid
Jumu`ah Prayer
This year, two festivals coincided
Jumu`ah Prayer
Is Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer obligatory
Jumu`ah Prayer
Jumu`ah Prayer is an individual
Jumu`ah Prayer
Is Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer obligatory
Jumu`ah Prayer
The Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer Fard
Jumu`ah Prayer
The Imam forgetting Takbir during Salat-ul-Istisqa' and `Eid Prayers
Offering Salat-ul-Istisqa' and the two `Eid Prayers in a public square where Bid`ah celebrations are held
Wisdom behind turning the cloth during Salat-ul-Istisqa'
Description of Salat-ul-Istisqa'
`Eid Prayer or Salat-ul-Istisqa' coming on a Friday
The correct manner of offering Salat-ul-Istisqa'
Proclaiming Adhan for Salat-ul-Istisqa'
Offering Salat-ul-Istisqa' before Salat-ul-`Eid
Enduring diseases
Patience during hardship
Words to be said at times of adversity
Scholars' opinions regarding Talqin to the dead
Talqin of the dead, wailing when following the funeral procession and walking and sitting over graves
Eating up the property of the deceased
What is paid from the deceased's money
Rights due from a deceased’s estate
The debt owed by the deceased
Rights due from a deceased’s estate
A traveler's Salah
Distance over which it is permissible to shorten Salah
A traveler's Salah
Criterion of travel and the distance that gives a traveler the right to shorten and combine Salah
A traveler's Salah
Shortening Salah for a traveler going from Riyadh to Al-Kharj
A traveler's Salah
A person living in Riyadh and heading for Al-Kharj
A traveler's Salah
The distance at which a traveler
A traveler's Salah
A traveler shortening Salah although intending a stay for more than four days
A traveler's Salah
Shortening Salah for officers going on patrols for 80 kilometers or more away from their place of residence
A traveler's Salah
Criterion of travel and the distance that gives a traveler the right to shorten and combine Salah
A traveler's Salah
Washing and shrouding the dead
Lawful and unlawful acts at graveyards and upon burial
Uncovering the `Awrah of the dead during washing
Washing and shrouding the dead
Those who meet their death in accidents should receive the same washing like others
Washing and shrouding the dead
Is it permissible for a man to wash the dead body of his mother or daughter?
Washing and shrouding the dead
Impossibility of washing and shrouding the deceased
Washing and shrouding the dead
shrouding the deceased Muhrim
Washing and shrouding the dead
Ruling on cutting the hair of a deceased woman when washing her
Washing and shrouding the dead
Is it permissible for a brother or a son to witness the washing of the dead body of his sister or mother?
Washing and shrouding the dead
Is it permissible to write on the forehead of the dead person using aloes wood perfume?
Washing and shrouding the dead
Book on Salah
Obligation of Salah and reward of the five obligatory prayers
Book on Salah
The meaning of 'Dhimmat Allah'
Book on Salah
Being forbidden to pray by a relative
Book on Salah
Ruling on sleeping without praying
Book on Salah
Abandoning Prayer due to bleeding during pregnancy
Book on Salah
Making up for the missed Salah
Book on Salah
Making a mistake and repeating Salah
Book on Salah
Salah by a person who lost reason
Book on Salah
Rulings related to Masjids
Taking part of the Masjid to establish a nursery
Rulings related to Masjids
Matters related to the rulings of the Masjids
Rulings related to Masjids
Taking part of the Masjid to make it a warehouse
Rulings related to Masjids
Difference between a Masjid and a Musalla
Rulings related to Masjids
Is the Musalla in a university dwelling considered a Masjid?
Rulings related to Masjids
Utilizing a Musalla no longer used for Salah for other purposes
Rulings related to Masjids
Making use of a Musalla no longer used for Salah
Rulings related to Masjids
Reward for establishing a Masjid on an inherited land
Rulings related to Masjids
Facing the Qiblah as a condition for the validity of Salah
Offering Salah without facing the right Qiblah unintentionally
Turning away slightly from the Qiblah
Whatever is between the east and the west is Qiblah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Should the Ma'mum who joins the Imam say Du`a'-ul-Istiftah and recite Surah Al-Fatihah?
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Reciting another Surah after Surah Al-Fatihah in supererogatory Prayers
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Ruling on Salah offered without saying Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Ruling on saying Basmalah out loud when reciting Surah Al-Fatihah in Salah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Ruling on the Imam saying the Basmalah out loud in a Jahri Salah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Some supplications said when starting Salah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Inability to memorize Du`a'-ul-Istiftah
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Should a person say 'Alhamdu lillah' if they sneeze during Salah?
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
How to make Isti`adhah in Salah?
Du`a'-ul-Istiftah, Isti`adhah, and Basmalah
Doubting that one has recited Surah Al-Fatihah during Salah
Making mistakes while reciting Surah Al-Fatihah in Salah
Ruling on reciting the Qur’an while offering a Jahri Salah behind an Imam
The Ma'mum recites Surah Al-Fatihah before the Imam
Reciting some Ayahs of the Qur'an after Surah Al-Fatihah
How to offer Salah if one does not speak Arabic well?
Reciting the Qur'an in Salah in a language other than Arabic
Forgetfulness and repeating recitation in Salah
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Ma'mum's Ta'min with or after the Imam's
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Ta'min after finishing the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Saying Ta'min following one's recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah after already saying it after the Imam's recitation
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Ruling on saying Ta'min after the recitation of Surah other than Al-Fatihah
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Ruling on a Ma’mum who says, “O Lord, forgive me and my parents” before saying, “Amen'
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Ruling on women's saying Ta'min following the Imam
Saying Ta'min after Surah Al-Fatihah
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Ruling on abandoning standing during Salah without an excuse
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Ruling on standing in Salah with one's feet close together
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Du`a' after Takbirat-ul-Ihram in Salah
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
The Du‘a’ (supplication) that should
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Whether Du`a' of Sujud and Ruku` should be said in every Rak`ah and Sajdah
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Reason behind saying: 'Subhana Rabbiya Al-`Adhim' in Ruku` and 'Subhana Rabbiya Al-A`la' in Sujud
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Where should the hands be placed after rising from Ruku`?
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
What is said when rising from Ruku`
Standing, bowing, and prostrating
Disliked acts during Salah
Meaning of Ikhtisar
Disliked acts during Salah
Ruling on an Imam turning towards the microphone before Ruku`
Disliked acts during Salah
Meaning of Sadl
Disliked acts during Salah
Tucking up the shirt
Disliked acts during Salah
Ruling on rolling up garments while offering Salah
Disliked acts during Salah
A person who offers Salah to tuck
Disliked acts during Salah
Offering Salah in a place including pictures
Disliked acts during Salah
Ruling on offering Salah on a rug with pictures
Disliked acts during Salah
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Ruling on Du`a'-ul-Qunut
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Ruling on saying Du`a'-ul-Qunut daily in the Fajr Prayer
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Ruling on offering Salah behind an Imam saying Du`a'-ul-Qunut in every Fajr Prayer
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Offering Salah behind an Imam saying Du`a'-ul-Qunut in every Fajr Prayer
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Permissibility of Qunut only at times of afflictions
Du`a'-ul-Qunut in the obligatory Prayers
Final Tashahhud
Final Tashahhud
Word 'master' in Tashahhud
Final Tashahhud
Du`a' in Tashahhud
Final Tashahhud
Taslim in Salah
Ruling on the Ma'mum leaving the Masjid before the Imam after Taslim
Ruling on saying Taslim after the Imam's first Taslim
Wording of Taslim
Ending Salah
Ruling on making gesture with hands during Salah when saying Taslim
Ruling on saying one Taslim only in Salah
Imam forgets and says the Taslim subvocally
Dhikr after Salah
Dhikr after Salah
Dhikr after Salah
Leaving the Masjid immediately after Taslim
Dhikr after Salah
Saying Tasbih after Taslim
Dhikr after Salah
Ruling on saying Tahmid, Tasbih, and Takbir after the supererogatory Salah
Dhikr after Salah
Saying Dhikr out loud after Taslim
Dhikr after Salah
Ruling on saying Takbir after Taslim and before seeking Istighfar thrice
Dhikr after Salah
Reciting Al-Mu`awwidhatayn after Salah
Dhikr after Salah
Adhkar reported as said after Salah are to be said only after the obligatory Salah
Dhikr after Salah
Taking Sutrah in Salah
Passing in front of a person offering Salah
Taking Sutrah in Salah
Ruling on a child passing before a woman offering Salah at home
Taking Sutrah in Salah
Ruling on women passing before men offering Salah in Al-Haram
Taking Sutrah in Salah
Supererogatory Salah
Ruling on Witr and its timing
Witr with the Tarawih
Witr Prayer
Would the Five Obligatory Daily Prayers be invalid if one does not offer the Witr?
Time due for the performance of Witr
Witr is to be offered after midnight
Offering supererogatory Salah after Witr
Time due for the performance of Witr
Offering Tarawih before the `Isha' Prayer
Saying Du`a'-ul-Istiftah once in the Tarawih
Tarawih being offered as a congregational Salah according to the practice of the Salaf
Claiming that Tarawih is not a congregational Salah
Offering the Tarawih after combining Salahs
Permissibility for the Imam to start the Tarawih even if there is a second congregation established for the `Isha' Prayer
Claiming that Tarawih should be offered with the same number of Rak`ahs throughout Ramadan
Offering the Tarawih only in the last ten days of Ramadan
Optional Night Salah
Starting the optional late night Prayer with two short Rak`ahs
Optional Night Salah
Whether the optional late night Prayer should be recited out loud or not
Optional Night Salah
Whether the optional late night Prayer should be offered with a fixed number of Rak`ahs
Optional Night Salah
Keeping up offering the optional late night Prayer in congregation
Optional Night Salah
Specifying certain days to perform the optional late night Prayer
Optional Night Salah
Where should a woman be when offering the optional late night Prayer behind her husband?
Optional Night Salah
No specific Surahs to be recited in the optional late night Prayer
Optional Night Salah
Permissibility of offering the optional late night Prayer in the place where one is guarding
Optional Night Salah
Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid being offered when entering any Masjid
Offering Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid in case of entering the Masjid while the Adhan is being announced
Should Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid be offered on Fridays?
Whether Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid should be offered in case of leaving the Masjid to perform Wudu' then returning to it
Combining the intention of offering a Sunnah Ratibah and Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid
Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid offered for Al-Masjid Al-Haram
Not offering Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid for anyone who enters the Masjid while the Salah is being established
Whether someone who misses the congregational Salah should offer Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid or the obligatory Salah
Salat-ul-Duha and the number of its Rak`ahs
Waiting in the Masjid until the sun rises and then offering supererogatory Prayer before noon
The best time for offering Salat-ul-Duha
Whether someone who leaves the Masjid after the Fajr Prayer to perform Wudu' again then returns to it should take the reward of a person sitting in th
Salah of Al-Awwabin
Salah of Al-Awwabin is
Asking for the best for oneself in Salat-ul-Istikharah
Performing Salat-ul-Istikharah after which there is a negative result
Intending to offer Salat-ul-Istikharah after starting to offer a Sunnah Ratibah
What to say in Sujud-ul-Shukr
Time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah
Time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah
Time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah
Person most entitled to be an Imam
Offering Salah behind an Imam who does not recite the Qur'an well
Person most entitled to be an Imam
If a regular Imam leads the Jumu‘ah
An Imam who memorizes the Qur'an but is unaware of the rulings of recitation
Being most versed in Allah's Book, does it mean reciting the Qur'an the best or knowing Tajwid the best?
Choosing someone to lead the people in Salah because of his nice voice in recitation
Wages for working as an Imam
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Deciding not to perform congregational Salah for fear of witnessing Munkar
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Security patrols and Jumu`ah Salah
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Obeying my father in preventing me from performing Salah in the Masjid
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Does an ordinary disease constitute an excuse for not offering congregational Salah?
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
A patient who did not go to the Masjid due to the severity of his wound
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
If supper was served before entering into the due time of Salah but then Adhan was proclaimed while having our food
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Coming late for congregational Salah due to supervising students
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
He suffers a psychological illness that prevents him from attending congregational Salah
Excuses for performing neither Jumu`ah nor congregational Salah
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Combining Salahs under circumstances of fogs
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Fogs do not constitute an excuse for allowing combining Salahs
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Ruling on performing Maghrib Prayer in a Masjid and `Isha' Prayer in another
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Ruling on delaying `Asr Prayer due to work
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of work
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Does studying medicine justify combining Salahs?
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Is it permissible for the employees of the Civil Defense to combine Salahs
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Ruling on combining Salahs on the part of a disabled student
Ruling on combining Salahs under circumstances of rainfall or mud
Friday Khutbah
Not establishing Jumu`ah Prayer due to the existence of many Munkars
Friday Khutbah
Ruling on performing Jumu`ah Prayer without the Khutbah
Friday Khutbah
Ruling on the salutation given by the Imam upon ascending the pulpit on Friday
Friday Khutbah
What should the Khatib recite during his brief sitting between the two Khutbahs?
Friday Khutbah
When the Imam is delivering a Khutbah, and he is ascending the Minbar and holding a cane in his hand
Friday Khutbah
Guidance of the Prophet regarding Khutbah
Friday Khutbah
He delivers Khutbah on Fridays about biographies, such as the biography of one of the Sahabah
Friday Khutbah
Is it an act of Sunnah for the Khatib to offer Du`a' at the end of the second Khutbah with the worshippers responding by saying: 'Amen'?
Friday Khutbah
Ruling on offering Salat-ul-Kusuf during the times wherein it is permissible to perform Salah only if there is a Shar`y reason
When should Salat-ul-Kusuf begin?
Ruling on making up for what is missed of Salat-ul-Kusuf
Impermissible acts in Salah
Electronic Mihrab
Impermissible acts in Salah
Using the device that is fastened to a pray rug to determine the direction of Qiblah
Impermissible acts in Salah
Building Masjids is considered Sadaqah Jariyah
Impermissible acts in Salah
He prayed while there was some food residue between his teeth?
Impermissible acts in Salah
Those who deliberately distract worshippers from their prayer by funny speech and other idle talk
Impermissible acts in Salah
Ruling on one who wears gloves during Salah
Impermissible acts in Salah
Ruling on offering Salah while wearing eyeglasses
Impermissible acts in Salah
When combining Maghrib and `Isha' Prayers together, should we make only one Adhan and one Iqamah or what?
Impermissible acts in Salah
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Is it permissible for me to exhume the body of my father out of the cemetery of the Christians and rebury his remains in the graveyard of Muslims?
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Burying Muslims in a cemetery of disbelievers
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Whoever died while deliberately abandoning Salah is not a Muslim
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Ruling on putting the deceased within a tin box to be moved to a far country
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Is it permissible for a Muslim to follow the funeral procession of a deceased who is Christian?
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
Collecting money and allocating it to sending back the bodies of the deceased Muslims to be buried in an Islamic cemetery
Burying Muslims with Christians in the same graveyard
The manner of offering condolences
Ruling on offering gifts to the deceased's family
Offering condolences to the bereaved family through supplicating to Allah for them
As for the family of the deceased serving food for people and holding ceremonies on certain days
Following the funeral of a Kafir and attending his burial
Women going to the family of the deceased to briefly offer condolences
Is it permissible when wanting to offer condolences to the deceased's family to say 'may rest be in your life'?
Some people are accustomed to slaughter an animal when a relative of a workmate dies and he returns to work after offering condolences as a way of com
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Ruling on holding banquets for the deceased on the third day
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Wandering with the deceased during following the funeral
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Gathering with the family of the deceased and making food after the burial
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Reciting Al-Fatihah with the intention of invoking Allah's Mercy on my deceased paternal aunt and her deceased son
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
The claim that when a person dies and the family have fruit and tea, a member of the family will die after a certain period
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
The deceased no longer has the ability to do anything
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Seeking help from the Messenger when digging the grave
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
After burying the deceased, a lot of people put some new clothes and pieces of furniture on the graves and leave them there
Bid`ahs (rejected innovation in religion) of funerals
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Visiting the graves on the days of `Eids and other days
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Traveling with the aim of visiting his dead daughter's grave
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Visiting the graves of non-Muslims
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Traveling to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah to visit the grave of the Messenger
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Visiting the graves of the Awliya' and righteous people
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Visiting the graves on the thirteenth, fifteenth, and fortieth days after the burial of the deceased
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Is it permissible for women to visit the graves?
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Visiting the graves for sending peace to the deceased and supplicating to Allah to have mercy on them
Visiting graveyards and making Tawassul through shrines and taking money in return
Do the Imam (the one who leads
The ruling on Witr
Salat-ul-Layl (optional Prayer at night
Is there any special Du`a''-ul-Istiftah
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Is performing Witr (Prayer with
Does offering Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid
Obligation of Salah on a Mukallaf
Is the Salah (Prayer) of a woman