A Masjid lying next to a cemetery


Q: We have established a Masjid (mosque) on our property. There is a nearby cemetery which is three meters away from the Masjid. The cemetery is not in front of the Masjid or in the direction of the Qiblah (direction faced for Prayer towards the Ka‘bah). The Masjid has been built from concrete and covers an area of 9 x 6 meters and it is 2.5 meters high. This is a Masjid where congregational Salahs (Prayers) are performed, not Fridays. It is worth mentioning that there is no other Masjid close to it. Is it permissible to complete its construction or should we change its location near the first site? May Allah protect you.

A: If the case is as you have mentioned; that the cemetery (Part No. 5; Page No. 244) is not adjacent to the Masjid and completely separated from it, there is nothing wrong in keeping this Masjid and performing Salah in it, for the absence of the cause of the prohibition that prevents this.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
