A person suspected of practicing sorcery contributes for building a Masjid


Q 1: A man who is strongly suspected of practicing sorcery donated some of his money for building a Masjid (mosque). When people asked him about the source of that money, he said that it was his pension that he dedicated for building the concerned Masjid. My question now is whether it is permissible to offer Salah (Prayer) in such a Masjid.

A: If the reality is as what is mentioned in the question, we hope that practicing `Ibadah (worship) in the concerned Masjid is permissible and that the Salah which is offered in it is valid In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


The Rulings of Relieving Oneself