Announcing the Adhan and offering Salah alone after finding no one to offer Salah with


Q: I live in a village where there are three Masjids (Mosques), and one of them is very close to where I live. Sometimes, when the time for a Salah (Prayer) arrives, I give the Adhan (call to Prayer), but nobody comes to the Masjid to perform the Salah with me, so I perform the Salah (Part No. 6; Page No. 182

A: If there are no people in the neighborhood of the Masjid who perform Salah in it, it is obligatory on you to go to a Masjid where congregational Salah is held and perform the Salah there. You should not perform Salah alone, because Salah in congregation is Wajib (obligatory).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Ask Dr Zakir Naik 1