Bringing children to Masjids


Q: Please, give us the legal opinion in respect to bringing children to Masjids (Mosques)? Indeed, this is a controversial issue widely disputed between the Imam and the Ma’mums (persons being led by an Imam in Prayer). Their opinions may be cited as follows:Firstly: Some Imams are of the opinion that:1- Salah is not obligatory upon children who are under the age of seven. Therefore, they should not be admitted to the Masjids before they are seven years old. When the children stand in the rows, they do not fill their positions and then gaps are left for devils to pass through.2- As for the children who are over the age of seven and before adulthood, it is better for them (Part No. 6; Page No. 336) to stand at the ends of the rows or in the last row, especially those who do not perform Wudu’ or Salah properly and those who may disturb other people.3- During the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the elders used to stand in the first rows. Children would stand in the succeeding rows and finally women would stand in the back rows.4- Allowing children to enter the Masjids would encourage them to stand in the first row directly behind the Imam. Thus, the first row becomes uneven. This does not go in conformity with the instructions of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), “Let the wise and sagacious men be directly behind me (in congregational prayer).” Please, give a concise interpretation of this Hadith.Secondly, some parents say:1- We want to accustom our children who are under the age of seven to attend the Congregational Salah in Masjids. Some also say, “our parents used to bring us to the Masjid once we could distinguish the right hand from the left one.”2- We cannot leave our children in the back rows lest they should play or quarrel with one another.3- If a child comes earlier than an elderly person and sits even directly behind the Imam, he is worthier of sitting in the place that he reached first. The Hadith, “Let the wise and sagacious men be directly behind me (in congregational prayer)” lends support to the children, not against them.4- Most Masjids whose Imams are scholars or (Part No. 6; Page No. 337) religious students allow children to enter the Masjids. This means that they have evidence for this behavior.Please, provide us with a written answer, so that we can circulate it and end all disagreements. May Allah guide you to every good and truth and grant you success!

A: It is permissible for the fathers or the mothers to take their children with them to the Masjids, if they are afraid for them. This happened during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him). However, they should be taught not to play or disturb those who are offering Salah. On the other hand, children who are seven years old or more should be ordered to perform Wudu’ and Salah (prayer) to become accustomed to offering Salah. Moreover, a child and his parent will both be rewarded for that. Furthermore, it is permissible for children to stand in the rows and it causes no misalignment as claimed by the questioner, because their Salah is valid. Children used to stand beside the elders behind the Prophet (peace be upon him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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