Building a Masjid from the money put in the boxes of shrines


Q: In our city, there is a shrine ascribed to a righteous man called Sayyid Al-Shaykh. There are boxes in this shrine in which visitors who come from all over Algeria, even from neighboring countries, to visit this tomb put money and jewels. At the end of every year, these boxes are opened. A part of this money is distributed to the seven Masjids (mosques) of our city (Part No. 5; Page No. 213) to be used to complete the buildings of some of these Masjids or to purchase the requirements of others that are already built. It should be noted that the money is distributed among all the Masjids whereas the other costs that could not be fulfilled by this money are gathered from individuals. What is the ruling on building Masjids using this money? What is the ruling on offering Salah (Prayer) in them?

A: Constructing buildings on graves and using them as Masjids is not permissible. It is one of the means leading to Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship). The Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed those who did so and said that they are among the worst of people. In addition, putting money in the boxes of shrines as a kind of donation is an act of major Shirk, for donation is an act of worship that should be dedicated to Allah Alone. As for the money that is collected from these boxes from the visitors, it is Haram (prohibited) and those visitors should be prevented from doing so and should be informed that this is a kind of major Shirk. However, the money already collected can be spent on the poor and needy but it is not permissible to spend them on Masjids for they are ill-gotten gains that Masjids should be purified from.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
