Building a Masjid near the house, but congregational Salah is rarely performed there


(Part No. 7; Page No. 306)  Building a Masjid near the house, but congregational Salah is rarely performed there Fatwa no. 8605 In a nutshell, I live in a house two hundred meters away from the nearest Masjid, and due to my house being on the main road and the need of travelers for a place to make Wudu' (ablution) and offer Salah; I built a small Masjid that I pray in it and any possible travelers. When there is none, I perform Salah individually. Am I permitted to perform Salah in this Masjid or should I go to the Masjid I mentioned earlier?

A: If the case is as you have mentioned, you will be obliged to go to the Masjid in which congregational Salah is performed, and it is easy for you to take your children with you to that Masjid.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
