Building new bathrooms for the Masjid


Q: I am an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) in one of the Masjids (mosques) in Buraydah which is always crowded with worshippers due to its location on a main road and the markets spreading around it. Thirty years ago when this Masjid was established, and before the increase of population, (Part No. 5; Page No. 235) it was able to accommodate everyone in the neighborhood and it had three toilets and a place for performing Wudu' (ablution) in its southeastern corner. However, due to this increase in the population, it can no longer accommodate all the worshippers and the same applies to the three toilets. This forced some people to go to nearby Masjids lest they should miss the Salah (Prayer) while waiting to perform Wudu'. The inability of some to enter the insufficient number of toilets causes them to miss some Rak`ahs (units of prayer), let alone Takbirat-ul-Ihram (saying: "Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]" upon starting Prayer). Furthermore, passers-by no longer enter the Masjid to offer Salah, as they are aware of the inadequate facilities. These conditions have created an annoyance for the people of the neighborhood and the nearby shop owners who cannot find a proper place to offer Wudu'. In addition, it has made people reluctant to offer Salah there anymore.My question is: Is it permissible for me as the Imam of that Masjid to ask for building new toilets in its eastern corner, given that this part of the Masjid is not fully utilized because worshippers prefer to offer Salah inside and not outside the Masjid, whether in summer or winter? The toilets to be constructed in the eastern part will only occupy an area of (4×15 M) in a way that will not narrow the space of (Part No. 5; Page No. 236) the eastern part; rather, it will benefit worshippers and the person who donated the land as Waqf (endowment). Furthermore, I put to your knowledge that all the expenses of building these facilities will be donated by a benevolent person who has taken the responsibility upon himself to build them in a proper way.The letter was referred to His Excellency the President of the Courts of Buraydah with no. 1525M1, on 24/4/1419 A.H. To form a committee to examine the conditions of the said Masjid and write a detailed report concerning the justification for allocating a part of the land upon which the Masjid is built for building new toilets. The answer was delivered in letter no. 2545/1, on 21/6/1419 A.H. And was attached to the report of the deciding committee concerning the said Masjid. It states:Referring to Your explanation no. 1/2491, on 27/4/1419 A.H. On the letter of the Grand Mufty of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, no. 1/1525, on 24/4/1419 A.H. Including the inquiry of the Imam of Al-`Ishab Masjid in Buraydah, and His Eminence's request to form a committee of two experts in addition to a representative from the Ministry of Endowments to examine the Masjid, and file a deciding report in this regard, etc. In light of the above-mentioned recommendations, the concerned committee accompanied by an engineer appointed by the court as well as a representative from the court and two experts, `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdul-Rahman Al-Khudir and Ibrahim ibn `Abdul-`Aziz Al-Khudir and according to their examination of the said Masjid, (Part No. 5; Page No. 237) it was found that the Masjid really is in need of new toilets. Due to the vast space of the eastern corner of the Masjid, which is 16×16 M, it has been unanimously agreed by all the people concerned that taking advantage of the eastern corner of the Masjid, which faces Al-Sina`ah Street for building ten toilets with external dimensions of 4.30×11.65 M, and in accordance with the parameters and the design attached, would achieve considerable benefit for the Masjid and the owner of the Waqf.

After examining the inquiry submitted, the Committee issued a Fatwa (legal opinion issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) regarding the permissibility of building the new facilities in the eastern corner of Al-`Ishab Masjid in Buraydah based on the availability of facts required to take this step.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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