Congregation's disunity due to having a lot of Masjids in the same place


Q: Your Eminence, my father and I built a Masjid (mosque) near my house about fifteen years ago; as we live together alone in the area. After some time, a neighbor of mine built a house then he built a Masjid bigger than mine. It is built of concrete and it occupies a large area and is located on a road. Upon finishing the construction of this Masjid, we offered congregational Salah (Prayer) together. But I have doubt concerning my Masjid where I previously used to offer Salah, so I asked Shaykh Sa‘d Al-Hijri about it and he said: "You should not abandon your old Masjid and you should offer Salah therein until you ask the opinion of Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz." Therefore, I would like you to tell me: Should I offer Salah in the old Masjid or with my neighbor in the new one? If your legal opinion is that I should offer congregational Prayer in the Masjid of my neighbor, what about (Part No. 5; Page No. 293) my old Masjid? Should I keep it in case I may need it or should I demolish it? May Allah protect you.

A: All of you should offer Salah in the same Masjid; because Islam calls for gathering and forbids separation. Regarding your old Masjid which you substituted with the new one, you should refer to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Daw‘ah, and Guidance because it is specialized in such matters.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
