Distance that permits a person to abandon going to the Masjid for congregational Salah


Q 6: What is the distance that permits a person to abandon going to the Masjid (mosque) for congregational Salah or Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer?

A: It is Wajib (obligatory) upon whoever hears the Adhan (call to Prayer) to go to the Masjid to offer the congregational Salah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever hears the Adhan (call to Prayer) and does not respond to it (i.e. By going to the Masjid for Salah), their Salah is not accepted unless they have an excuse." May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Iman (Believing) in Allah-with-Allah