Do we, the children of the deceased, have to pay back the full loan due on him immediately after his death?


Q: Do we, the children of the deceased, have to pay back the full loan taken out by our later father immediately after his death, though the policy of the loan mentioned above was to pay it back in installments for twenty five years. We are regularly paying all the installments to the real-estate bank at their due time? Does our father incur any sin if we do not pay back all the installments of the loan at one time to the bank, knowing that we are small functionaries who do not possess the means to pay the full debt to the bank? Also, if our father (may Allah be merciful to him) owed a debt to some unknown people who did not come to demand it, though we have approached every each one of our father's acquaintances and asked them (Is our father indebted to him?) They all answered in the negative, but we fear that there may be some creditors unknown to us. For, our father had a large circle of acquaintances. Kindly provide us with your view concerning this matter. May Allah reward you with the best!

A: You have two options: either to pay back the debt of your father to the real-estate bank all at once, or to pay back the debt in installments according to the agreed upon policy by the bank. In both ways, there will be no sin on your father in sha'a-Allah (if Allah wills), because the pay-back policy agreed by the bank gives him the right to repay the debt by installments. (Part No. 7; Page No. 215) Also, the debt may involve pawning. If you know no creditors to your late father other than the bank and you publicized your readiness to pay back his debts, but no one came forward, then there is no sin on him or you. You have done so good so far. May Allah reward you with the best for your keenness to discharge the responsibility of your father!May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions!


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