Does adopting different Madh-habs prevent their followers from leading one another in Salah?


Q 1: Is it permissible for an Imam (leader of congregational Prayer) who adopts the Hanafy Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence) to lead people who adopt the Shafi`y Madh-hab in Salah (Prayer) in the way of the latters, such as reciting Basmalah (saying, "Bismillah Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim [In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful]") loudly before Surah Al-Fatihah, taking a pause after Al-Fatihah so that the Ma'mum (person being led in Prayer) can recite it as well, and reciting Basmalah loudly before the other Surah?

A: Disagreement in the branches does not affect the validity of congregational Salah. The Imam and other scholars should seek the most authentic evidence, whether the Ma'mums agree with them or not.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
