Dying while used not to offer Salah or to observe Sawm


Q: My son who was seventeen years old died two months ago in a car accident without any responsibility on his part. He used not to offer Salah (Prayer) or observe Sawm (Fast) of the month of Ramadan. Is it permissible for his mother, his brothers, and me to make up for the month of Ramadan on his behalf? Likewise, if I fast the Day of `Ashura', the Day of (Part No. 5; Page No. 46) `Arafah or Mondays and Thursdays on his behalf, will my son receive the reward of fasting these days? Moreover, I offer four Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) before Zuhr (Noon) Prayer and two Rak`ahs after it and after `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer, Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer, `Isha' (Night) Prayer, and Fajr (Dawn) Prayer on his behalf.

A: If a person died while he used not to offer Salah or observe Sawm, he is not regarded a Muslim. Whoever abandons Salah intentionally is a disbeliever as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: What makes one a disbeliever and a polytheist is abandoning prayers. Thus, if your son died like this and did not offer repentance to Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He), it is not permissible to seek forgiveness for him or to supplicate to Allah for him. As for what you offer of Salah and Sawm, they do not benefit him even if he is Muslim, for Salah cannot be performed on behalf of any person. It is worth mentioning that it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah after the `Asr Prayer except for a reason.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
