Distance over which it is permissible to shorten Salah


Q 1: at what distance from residing city is it permissible for a traveler to shorten Salah (Prayers)? Q 2: Is it permissible for me to combine and shorten Salah when I am traveling from Jeddah to Al-Ta'if? Q 3: If I hear the Adhan (call to Prayer) while I am traveling and I am at the outskirts of the city, is it permissible for me to combine and shorten the Zhuhr (Noon) and the ‘Asr (Afternoon) Prayers or should I offer a full Zhuhr Prayer? If I am traveling from Al-Ta’if to Jeddah and the time of the Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer started while I am still in Al-Ta’if, if I perform that Salah in congregation in the Masjid (mosque), is it permissible for me to combine the ‘Isha’ (Night) Prayer with it as I am a traveler? Is it permissible for me to combine and shorten Salah when traveling for the purpose of an outing or picnic? If I travel to Jeddah and I live in Al-Ta’if to make a transaction there, and I perform the Zhuhr Prayer behind the Imam (the one who leads the congregational Prayer), is it permissible for me to combine and shorten the ‘Asr Prayer with it, as I do not have the intention of staying in Jeddah ?

A: It is permissible to shorten the four-Rak‘ah Salah (Prayer consisting of four units) when traveling a distance of about 80 kilometers, which is a two-day journey by camel. Anyone who travels from Jeddah to Al-Ta’if can shorten Salah, as the condition for the stated distance is met, (Part No. 6; Page No. 389) unless they intend to stay for more than four days, in which case they should perform the full Salah as they are not considered to be travelers. When they leave, heading to their own homeland, they can shorten Salah on the journey. The rulings on shortening and combining Salah during travel are applicable as soon as a traveler leaves the inhabited area of the city where they live, even if they can hear the Adhan when they are outside the city. If you are a traveler and you offer the Maghrib or the Zhuhr Prayer with residents, you may combine the ‘Isha’ and the ‘Asr Prayer with them respectively. It is also permissible to shorten Salah when traveling even for the purpose of an outing or picnic, as the Rukhsah (concession) is general.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
