Abandoning congregational Salah in the Masjid


Q 3: The Masjid (mosque) beside the governmental administration where I work suffers neglect on the part of the concerned authority. Only new soldiers offer Salah (Prayer) in the Masjid. Unfortunately, the concerned soldiers may not know the meaning of Salah. They come to pray without making Wudu' (ablution), make many movements that render their Salah Batil (null and void), and disturb other worshippers. We have advised them uselessly more than once. My colleagues thus abandoned performing Salah in the concerned Masjid as bad smells and noise that disrupt calmness of worshippers emit from it. Consequently, we established a temporary place for Salah inside our administration in which all employees started to offer their Salah. It is worth mentioning that when I perform my Salah in this Masjid, none of my colleagues offer Salah. They only offer Salah in the concerned temporary place when I pray with them after reminding them of the importance of performing Salah on time.Am I sinful for abandoning performing Salah in the Masjid as it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: No valid Salah is performed by a (male) person living near a Masjid except that which he offers in the Masjid. Note that only Salah of Zhuhr (Noon) comes while we are at work. Please, advise! May Allah reward you the best! (Part No. 6; Page No. 202

A: It is Wajib (obligatory) to ask the authority in charge of the concerned Masjid to repair and look after it, and instruct worshippers to perform Salah in the Mashru` (Islamically acceptable) way. Such authority has to prevent negligence of rulings of Salah in the concerned Masjid for Salah is the second pillar of Islam and its main integral. It is thus impermissible to show mildness regarding the performance of Salah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
