Is it permissible for a person


Q 15: is it permissible to offer Salah (Prayer) behind an Imam (leader of congregational Prayer) who practices Bid`ah (rejected innovations in religion)?

A: If there is an Imam who does not practice Bid`ah, you should offer Salah with him. If you do not find one, you should advise the Imam who practices Bid`ah. If he accepts advice, it is permissible to offer Salah behind him. If he does not accept advice, and his Bid`ah renders him out of the fold of Islam, such as seeking help, supplicating or slaughtering to other than Allah, this is considered major Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) which makes Salah behind him invalid. If his Bid`ah does not render him out of the fold of Islam, it is permissible to offer Salah behind him, such as pronouncing the intention loudly (i.e. I intend to offer Salah).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
