Salah of a Ma''mum in front of the Imam


Q 2: if the congregation lines up in front of the Imam (leader of congregational Prayer) in Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy (the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah), is this permissible according to the juristic opinion of Imam Malik, or is it only out of necessity?

A: The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which was followed by his Caliphs and their followers (may Allah be pleased with them) requires that the Ma'mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer) must stand behind the Imam, whether in Al-Haram-ul-Nabawy (the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah) or elsewhere. It is impermissible to depart from this. If one offers Salah in front of the Imam, it is a violation of this Sunnah. Ibn Qudamah (may Allah be merciful to him), said in his nook "Al-Mughny" that it is a Sunnah for the Ma'mum to stand behind the Imam; it is invalid to stand in front of him." This is the preponderant, correct opinion (Part No. 7; Page No. 412) in shaa'-Allah (if Allah wills). Lining up in front of an Imam was never reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) or his Sahabah (Companions, may Allah be pleased with them). It also clearly contradicts the role of the Imam whom we are asked to follow according to the statement of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), The Imam is appointed so that he should be followed, so do not be at variance with him. (Agreed upon by Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim). May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
