Is it permissible for someone who


Q 3: If someone misses the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer because of travelling, should he perform the Jumu`ah Prayer as two Rak`ahs (units of Prayer) or should he perform it with four Rak`ahs as a Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer?

(Part No. 8; Page No. 229)  A: The Jumhur (dominant majority of scholars) hold the opinion that if someone misses the Jumu`ah Prayer in congregation, he should perform it as a Zhuhr Prayer. If he is travelling a distance over which it is permissible to shorten Salah (Prayers), he should pray two Rak`ahs with the intention of praying the Zhuhr with subvocal recitation. If he is a resident, he should offer four Rak`ahs with the intention of praying the Zhuhr with subvocal recitation.Some scholars hold a different opinion. However, the correct opinion is what the Jumhur said, because when the Prophet (peace be upon him) stood at `Arafah in the Farewell Hajj on Friday, he offered Zhuhr, not Jumu`ah Prayer and did not order the Bedouins to perform the Jumu`ah Prayer.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
