Combining the 'Asr Prayer with Friday Prayer


Q 7: A- If Friday coincides with the time when the workers are scheduled to move to another location and they have already performed Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer with the congregation in the Masjid (mosque) of the city, is it permissible for them to combine and shorten the `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer with Jumu`ah Prayer when they have decided to (Part No. 7; Page No. 47) move to another location right after finishing Jumu`ah Prayer, given that the destination may not be far from the first location, yet the moving itself causes hardship?B- If the workers intend to stay at that location for more than four days, should they shorten the Salah (Prayer) or offer it in complete during their stay in that location? If they are permitted to shorten, are they permitted to combine Salahs in case of hardship caused by coldness, shortage of water, incessant work and the like?

A 7: A- It is not permissible to combine `Asr Prayer with the Jumu`ah as they are not of one sort. B- If workers decide to stay in a location for more than four days, they shall be bound to offer a complete Salah as the rulings of travel will not be applied to them then, and in such a case they are not permitted to combine either, due to the reasons mentioned above.May Allah grant us all success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!
