Place where women should offer Salah in the Masjid


Q: The Muslim community in New Zealand, in its capital Wellington, is about to begin a project for the construction of (Part No. 6; Page No. 257) the Masjid (mosque) of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. The Masjid will accommodate up to 955 people. Among the questions raised during the last discussion to sign the first stage of the project is: Is it possible to have men perform Salah (prayer) on the entire ground floor of the Masjid, and reserve the second floor for women to perform Salah? Some said that Salah on the second floor is dangerous for the kids and that this act goes against the Sunnah. They are of the view that women should stand behind the children on the same floor where men are present. They had a problem with performing Salah while women are above them standing over their heads in the same Masjid. It should be noted that we are able to build the Masjid as one floor allocating the back area for women.Please give us your recommendations based on the Sunnah, so that we may act accordingly.

A: The manner which complies with the Sunnah is that the Masjid be established on the ground level where everyone, males and females, can perform Salah, such that the women pray behind the men. It is better and more convenient for all.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
