Place where women should offer Salah in the Masjid


Q: I work as an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) at the `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud Masjid (mosque) in Al-Khafjy City, in the Eastern Province. The Masjid has been expanded due to the increasing number of worshippers and to serve the needs of the area. However, there is an abundance of problems and objections to some issues. We, therefore, ask your opinion on the problematic issue pertaining to constructing a Musalla for women. This Musalla is detached from the internal building of the Masjid, yet lies within the Masjid wall. Some said that the Musalla building must be connected to the internal building of the Masjid. (Part No. 6; Page No. 265) If we do so, we will incur a higher cost. Another problem is that during Ramadan some people want to include the women's Musalla where they perform Tarawih (special supererogatory night Prayer in Ramadan) inside the internal building of the Masjid. Some insist that it should be performed in the separate Musalla assigned for women, mentioned above. Kindly, find attached a copy of a handwritten sketch which illustrates the internal building of the Masjid and the site of the actual women's Musalla on the first page and the suggested replacement on the second page. We hope that you will enlighten us, may Allah reward you! May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, all his family and Companions!

A: There is nothing wrong if the women's Musalla is built within the boundaries of the Masjid. In this case it is not necessary for women to see the Imam or a Ma'mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer). Hearing the Imam's voice over the microphones is enough for them to follow the Imam.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
