I offer Salah (Prayer) at home


Q 3: A man entered the Masjid (mosque) after the first congregational Salah (Prayer) was over to find another congregational Salah led by an illiterate Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer). Such a person who is well-aware of the proper recitation of Qur’an thought it was not right to join this congregational Salah. Should he have joined them? If he had joined them to attain the reward of offering congregational Salah, would his Salah have been valid?

A: If the unlettered Imam performs Salah tranquilly and properly making no mistake in Surah Al-Fatihah (Opening Chapter of the Qur’an) in a way that changes the meanings, he may join Salah with this Imam to attain the reward of congregational Salah. Otherwise, he may wait for others to pray with to maintain the observance of Salah in congregation, if possible.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.
