If I enter a Masjid (mosque) and


Q 2: If the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) experiences minor ritual impurity during the fourth Rak`ah (unit of Prayer) of Salah (Prayer) and appoints a latecomer, who joined the Salah in the third Rak`ah, to replace him to lead the congregation, what should those people do who joined the Salah with the first Imam from the first or the second Rak`ahs? Is it permissible for them to say the Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer) before the second Imam, or is it permissible for them to offer more Rak`ahs and say the Taslim following the Imam, or should they sit waiting for the Imam to complete the four Rak`ahs of his Salah and then say the Taslim with him on the fourth, without doing the extra Rak`ahs with him or saying the Taslim before him? What is the ruling on the Salah of those who performed the Salah in these situations?Would you please answer me in writing, mentioning the evidence, and may Allah reward you!

(Part No. 7; Page No. 397)  A: If the reality of those performing Salah was as you mentioned, it was obligatory on those who performed the first and second Rak`ahs with the first Imam not to follow the second Imam when he stood to complete his Salah. Rather, they should have sat in their places, because they had offered the obligatory four Rak`ahs, and not said the Taslim before the Imam, due to what was authentically reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said, "The Imam is appointed to be followed." (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim) The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, "I am your Imam, so do not precede me in Ruku` (bowing), Sujud (prostration), standing, or turning (i.e. Faces when saying the Taslim)." (Reported by Muslim in his "Sahih [Book of Authentic Hadith]") May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
