If the majority of those aboard


Q 11: We will go to a formal training mission by ship for two or three consecutive days. Working on the ship will be continuous to the extent that some people can not leave their (Part No. 8; Page No. 104) patrols. Are these people permitted to gather performing two Salahs (prayers) at the time of the former or the latter one.

A: If the mission mentioned above has the same ruling of travel, then you are permitted to shorten and gather between Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer and `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer at the time of the former or the latter according to your circumstances, and likewise Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer and `Isha' (Night) Prayer. But if this mission does not have the same rulings of travel, then you are not permitted to gather or shorten your Salah.


The history of the messengers: a general introduction