Interrupting Salah to avoid a dangerous accident


Q: We wanted to let you know that there are many Masjids (mosques) next to the premises of the City Fire Fighting and Emergency Services and some of our people perform their congregational prayers in them. We have an operations room that receives emergency calls about the incidents that occur in our area and, when there is an emergency, an alarm bell rings to inform the team of it immediately. Sometimes the incidents occur when people are in the Masjid performing the congregational Prayer. When this happens, they break the obligatory Salah (Prayer) to respond to the call of duty, as this may save many lives and valuable supplies. I hope that Your Eminence will advise us on how to resolve this matter, what should be done in these emergencies, and the lawfulness of discontinuing Salah to attend these incidents. We are waiting to hear from you and may Allah protect you!

(Part No. 8; Page No. 38)  A: If the announcement from the person responsible for receiving the information about the incidents indicates the occurrence of a serious incident, it is permissible to discontinue the Salah for this.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
