Is it permissible for me to exhume the body of my father out of the cemetery of the Christians and rebury his remains in the graveyard of Muslims?


Q: I am a Muslim immigrant in Canada. My country of origin is Algeria. My father lived in Algeria. He suffered from a chronic disease for a long time. He had to travel to France to get medical treatment. Yet, it was Allah's will that he died there and we buried him in a cemetery for the Christians. I was still a young man when he died 26 years ago. Now that I grew up, became a man and a father, I want to relieve my conscience and fulfill my duty towards my father.My question is: Is it permissible for me to exhume his body out of the cemetery of the Christians and rebury his remains in the graveyard of Muslims? Please give me a Fatwa in this regard, may Allah reward you greatly.

A: It is obligatory that his remains should be disinterred from the cemetery of the Christians and reburied in the graveyard where Muslims bury their dead.May Allah grant us success. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family, and his Companions!
