Making a mistake while announcing the Adhan


Q 2: If a Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) makes a mistake while making Adhan (call to Prayer), will he be required to remake Adhan from the very beginning, or does he only have to correct the word that he erred in or forgot then proceed with the Adhan? On the other hand, if a person makes a mistake while saying Iqamah (call to start the Prayer), forgets a sentence, or repeats a sentence that is not to be repeated; what will he be required to do? To give an example, if the Mu'adhin (while making Iqamah) repeats Hay `Ala-s-Salah (come to Prayer) twice or forgets it and realizes his mistake in the middle of saying the same sentence or makes a similar error; how can he correct his mistake? Provide us with your beneficial answer please. May Allah reward you with the best.

A: If the Mu'adhin makes a mistake or forgets something while saying Adhan or Iqamah, he has to say the sentence that he forgot or repeat the sentence that he erred in then proceed with Adhan or Iqamah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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