Miscarrying my embryo in the second month, is it obligatory on me to pay Sadaqah, like clothes or food, on its behalf?


A 2: It is impermissible to abort a fetus intentionally even in (Part No. 7; Page No. 240) the second month. Therefore, if you aborted the fetus on purpose, there would be no obligatory Kaffarah (expiation) upon you but you have to ask Allah for repentance and forgiveness and decide not to return to such a horrible mistake. If you miscarried naturally, there would be no sin on you. Moreover, you are not asked to pay Sadaqah for the fetus and it is also not Wajib to give it a name because life was not yet breathed into it. Nevertheless, if it had completed the fourth month or more and life was breathed into it, it should be washed, a Janazah (Funeral) Prayer should be offered for it, a name should be given to it, and an`Aqiqah (sacrifice for a newborn) should be offered for it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


yassin al jazairi