Offering a supererogatory Salah as a Jahri Salah


Q: Is it permissible to offer the supererogatory Salah (prayer) out loud? A: It is a Sunnah (action following the teachings of the Prophet) to recite subvocally during voluntary Salah if it is performed during daylight. As for offering voluntary Salah at night, it is a Sunnah to recite out loud if it does not disturb those around the performer of Salah (Part No. 5; Page No. 339

A: It is a Sunnah (action following the teachings of the Prophet) to recite subvocally during voluntary Salah if it is performed during daylight. As for offering voluntary Salah at night, it is a Sunnah to recite out loud if it does not disturb those around the performer of Salah (Part No. 5; Page No. 339) because saying recitation out loud at night wards off Satanic insinuations and it is more energizing for the reciter. Hudhayfah narrated that when he stood up to offer Salah with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the Messenger (peace be upon him) recited Surah Al-Baqarah, Al-Nisa’ and Al-`Imran and whenever he recited an Ayah that speaks of mercy, he asked Allah for mercy and whenever he recited an Ayah that speaks of torture, he sought refuge with Allah. This indicates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited loudly during voluntary Salah at night.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
