Offering condolences to the bereaved family through supplicating to Allah for them


Q 1: It is a widespread practice in our country, especially in Sarhad region, Pakistan, that upon the death of anyone there, people as well as some scholars would come to offer condolences to the family of the deceased. Their manner in offering condolences is that they keep supplicating to Allah while raising their hands to heaven. They are so strictly committed to raising their hands in offering condolences that they condemn and blame whoever leaves this practice. They say about such a person that he belongs to the Wahhabis. They believe that condolences should be offered only by raising their hands and supplicating to Allah collectively.Whoever offers condolences at the house of the bereaved family and supplicates to Allah for them without raising their hands is condemned by people and regarded as having not offered condolences at all. This is because Muslims and scholars in those areas believe that condolences must only be offered by raising the hands in Du`a' (supplication), otherwise it would not be counted as having been offered.Some people bring a Qur'an reciter to the family of the deceased to recite some Surahs (Qur'anic chapters), and they all keep raising their hands and supplicating to Allah collectively.If ten people, for example, come to offer condolences to the family of the deceased, one of them would say, "Raise your hands and supplicate to Allah," thereupon all the attendants would supplicate to Allah collectively, and then wipe their faces with their hands. Then another person of the ten would do the same thing just as has been done by the first one, (Part No. 7; Page No. 407) and so forth until the last one of the ten.We hope Your Eminence, may Allah safeguard you, may give us comprehensive answers with proofs regarding the following questions:1- What are the forms of offering condolences that match with the Sunnah (acts, sayings or approvals of the Prophet) and the generations whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) witnessed to their goodness? What is the ruling on the above-mentioned practice of those people?2- What are the rulings on offering condolences that match with Shari`ah (Islamic law)?3- Mubtadi`s (those who introduce innovations in religion) claim that it was authentically reported in the Chapter on "Maghazy" in "Al-Jami` Al-Sahih" for Imam Al-Bukhari that one should raise their hands and supplicate to Allah for the deceased when offering condolences to the bereaved family at their house. Is this correct?4- With regard to coming to the bereaved family and asking Allah to forgive the deceased and have mercy on them while raising their hands and supplicating in a collective way, is this regarded as following the Sunnah or following a Bid`ah?

A: It is Mustahab (desirable) to offer condolences to the bereaved family through supplicating to Allah for both the deceased and their family provided they are Muslims. The formula that one should say to the bereaved: "May Allah appreciate your patience, relieve your affliction, and forgive your deceased!" There is no need for raising one's hands. It is not obligatory to offer condolences at the house of the bereaved family. Rather, this can be done anywhere. Out of the forms of commiserating with the bereaved family is to prepare and serve them food according to their need, since they are busy with their affliction (Part No. 7; Page No. 408) to prepare food for themselves. It was reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Prepare food for the family of Ja`far since they are too busy with their affliction. Du`a' should not be collective because this manner is a Bid`ah. Rather it should be done individually. Among the ordained Du`a' for the deceased also is that upon finishing burial, one should stand by the grave and say: "O Allah, forgive them! O Allah, make them remain steadfast!" Upon burying a deceased, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Seek forgiveness for your brother and beg steadfastness for him, for he will be questioned now. Any saying or deed in offering condolences that has no authentic evidence from the Sunnah should be abandoned and warned against.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
