Offering Salah according to a person's ability


Q: There is a sixty-year-old woman who suffers from a disease that has caused her mental disorders for six years now. Her doctor says that she will not recover from this state, in addition to her losing consciousness often. For example, when someone visits her, she may know his name and then forget it. Again, she says that she has not seen someone for a week while they are sitting in front of her. She claims that she can see Jinn (creatures created from fire) and that they go to the sea. Moreover, she cannot control her urine or bowels, cannot feed herself or walk unassisted.The question is: Is it obligatory for her to perform the Salah (Prayer), observe the Sawm (Fast) and do all other acts of worship?May Allah reward you! (Part No. 5; Page No. 17

A: If the reality is as you mentioned, and the woman is able to understand what is said to her, she must be ordered to offer Salah at the prescribed times and offer it in the way that suits her. She can perform Tayammum (dry ablution), if she is unable to use water. She should be ordered to observe Sawm in Ramadan according to her condition. Allah (Exalted be He) says: Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope. Otherwise, she does not have to offer Salah or observe Sawm if she does not understand what is said to her.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Issa…In Islam