Offering Salah in Masjid Quba'


Q: Does the Salah offered in Masjid Quba' have more reward than that offered elsewhere except for Al-Haramayn Al-Sharifayn (the Two Sacred Mosques: the Sacred Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah)? If that is true, what is the evidence for it? Is Masjid Quba' the first Masjid (mosque) built in Islam as stated in Allah's Saying: Never stand you therein. Verily, the mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety is more worthy that you stand therein (to pray). In it are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allâh loves those who make themselves clean and pure [i.e. who clean their private parts with dust (which has the properties of soap) and water from urine and stools, after answering the call of nature]. (Part No. 5; Page No. 188)

A: It is recommended to visit Masjid Quba' but without having to undertake a journey such as those who are living in Al-Madinah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to go to Masjid Quba' every Saturday on foot or riding. Ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) used to do so too. (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)It is narrated by Al-Tirmidhy and Ibn Majah on the authority of Usayd ibn Hudayr Al-Ansary (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Offering prayer in the Masjid of Quba' is equal in reward to performing Umrah. It is narrated by Al-Nasa'y and in Al-Musnad on the authority of Sahl ibn Hunayf that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever purifies himself in his house, then comes to Masjid Quba’ and offers a prayer there, will have a reward like that of ‘Umrah. This Hadith is ranked as Sahih (authentic) by Al-Hakim; such a view is supported by Al-Dhahaby. Moreover, this Ayah (Qur'anic verse) indicates that Masjid Quba' is the first Masjid whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety.According to the authentic Hadith, the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Madinah is the Masjid whose foundation was laid on piety. There is no contradiction between the Ayah and this Hadith because if the foundation of Masjid Quba' was laid from the first day on piety, then the Prophet's Masjid is most worthy of this merit.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
