Offering Salah while sitting on a chair and finding no place in the row


Q: I am a young Muslim man who used to pray the congregational Salah (Prayer) in the Masjid (mosque) while in Egypt, all praise be to Allah. As my legs are damaged, I used to perform Salah in the first row while sitting on a chair, as the people in Egypt would help me to do so. I then moved to Abu Dhabi (Part No. 6; Page No. 352) and, as I cannot perform Salah standing, I brought a chair to the Masjid, but this caused a problem. I was unable to find a place in the first or second row, because the Masjid was crowded or sometimes because I was late in arriving. So I put the chair in a fixed place in one of the sides of the Masjid and the other worshippers have gotten used to leaving that space and chair for me. However, I pray behind the rows, is my case included in the prohibition of praying alone behind the rows?

A: You must perform the Salah with the congregation as far as it lies in your power, by placing the chair on which you pray by the end of the last row you find. It is not permissible to perform Salah alone behind the rows, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There is no Salah for the one who prays alone behind the row.” (Related by Ibn Hibban) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
