Passing in front of a worshiper


Q 8: Is it permissible to perform Sujud-ul-Tilawah (Prostration of Recitation) at the times when it is prohibited to offer supererogatory Salah (Prayer), such as the time of sunrise?

A: Yes, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, it is permissible to perform Sujud-ul-Tilawah at such times, because it does not have the same ruling as Salah. Even if Sujud-ul-Tilawah has the same ruling as Salah, it is still deemed permissible to prostrate during such times, because Sujud is made for a specific reason, and therefore has the same ruling as occasional Salahs offered for specific reasons, such as Salat-ul-Kusuf or Salat-ul-Tawaf (two-unit Prayer performed after circumambulating the Ka`bah), which can be offered if they coincide with one of the prohibited times. (Part No. 7; Page No. 265) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
