Performing Salah at the beginning or during the Adhan


Q 1: Muslims here do not stand up to offer Salah (Prayer) until they hear the Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) says: It is time for Salah; it is time for Salah. They sit in the Masjid (mosque) until the Mu'adhin pronounces the Adhan (call to Prayer); they offer two Rak`ahs (units of Prayer); they sit in their places until the Iqamah (call to start the Prayer) and do not stand up until the Mu'adhin says: It is time for Salah; it is time for Salah.

A: This matter is flexible; there is no harm in standing up at the beginning of Iqamah or while it is being called.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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